Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Cara pasang widget

nah buat Yuki-chan, ini aku kasih tau cara nambahin widget di blog kamu yahh xD
ini caranya :

nahhh,,, sekian ya minna! dan buat yuki-chan smoga paham yah!
Selasa, 14 Juni 2011


(Left to right : Tomy, Mami Nisey, Miichan, Aiko, Adelle, Jaja, Caca)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR ASZIIRTH TRIISZA!!! She is became 15th years old!. We celebrate her birthday in Ameba Pico xDDD (in facebook too). She is my best friend in pico.She always accompany me in pico. She is beautiful too... she also celebrate her birthday party in pico xDD that was fun with her. 
After celebrated her birthday party on the park, we go to her house xDDD

(people in this photo : Mami Nisey, Miichan, Caca, Adelle, and Aiko)

 uwaaaa... XDDD this is the funniest moment in my life xDDD

lol, It was so fun in her room. Yeah, because, Bestfriend will be not forgotten if you keep a bestfriend xD

M I I C H™
Ich igo™
m a r l i n a
Mami Nisey
ά∂єℓℓέ ♫

Senin, 13 Juni 2011

My photo creations xDDD

This is the 7th photos ( maybe =x= ) since I have edited. Its very difficult to make that glowing pink =x=. I try again and I can!. I edited this on PhotoShop CS 2 (a little confused to use PhotoShop). But, my friends Dinda Isnaeni tell me how to make line in the character. Thanks a lot for Dinda, my best edited photos friend. and She give me a lot of texture!! xDDD thank you so much.

And I've heard from RiiChan that was a COPYCAT PHOTOS in Facebook. Copycat's name is Kim Wadone. (If you want see this copy cat facebook >>Kim Wadone's Facebook on here )
I also hate him! He was copied RiiChan's photos! So, RiiChan want to hack this copy cat. And finally, I hope RiiChan can hack this copycat!

(screen capture profile facebook copy cat! BE CAREFULL WITH HIM!!)

Oh yeah, I forgot to. There is a Fan page on Facebook named = "KIM WADONE HATERS"
please like this fan page xDDD >> KIM WADONE HATERS

Thank you!

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