Jumat, 01 Juli 2011


Hack ? huh, there is someone trying to hack me. I dont know who but I know, she is very hate me. I dont know why?. I dont make anything wrong, or she is a fans of me? (lol)  >< . Luckly, my facebook got protected with my Account Security. Device Name : a , Friday, June 3 at 5:45 am << *I dont recognize the name of this device, maybe hacker's device* . I'm so surprised see this after I login into my facebook! >< and after I checking all of my friends on facebook, there is a request friends from Yuki Kagura! *Yuki is my bestfriends on facebook* I am so surprised!!! Me and Yuki become friends at facebook at six months ago! So, I dont want to remove Yuki from my bestfriend :'( . After that, I realized that Hackers doing!! I dont belive this gonna be happen T_T. and I say to Yuki, "I dont remove you in facebook friends! for what I doing this for you?? you are my bestfriend" and I think Yuki will believe to me and yeah, yuki believe to me. and Yuki said to me "Yeah, but I see your profile about a while ago, I see there is a notice "Add as friends" :( ". ha? I dont believe that. T_T

Becarefull with hacker!!

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